Your blood has red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The red cells carry oxygen, the white cells fight against infections and platelets do blood clotting and repair of tissues. The liquid part of blood is called plasma which is rich in molecules that help the platelets do their job.
PRP is plasma with a high concentration of platelets that are activated just before injection.
When the activated platelets are injected into a painful site, they release chemicals that attract other cells involved in the repair of tissues. The bad inflammation is automatically reduced because all these cells and plasma are now working in a balanced way towards the repair.
PRP is effective in a wide range of painful conditions. You can expect good relief if you are suffering from any of the following
Lower Back pain
Lumbar Slipped Disc
Lumbar facet pain
Neck pain
Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical Facet pain
Upper back pain
Shoulder pain
Sub-Acromial bursitis
Trapezius trigger zones
TMJ/ Jaw pain
Tennis elbow
Wrist/Base of thumb pain
Abdominal wall pain
Post-surgical pain
Surgical scar pain
Costochondritis / Chest pain
Sports injury
Trochanteric Bursitis
Tail bone/ Coccyx pain/ Coccydynia
Sacroiliac joint pain
Hip pain
ACL tear
Plantar fasciitis
Ankle pain
Disc Pain
and many others. Minor bleeding at the injection site and soreness for some days which is natural in this process. You will start seeing feeling relief after a week of the first session. Just imagine the joy and hope you will feel when you see your body healing itself naturally. A total of 5-6 sessions, once every week is recommended. But it can be less if significant relief is achieved early or more if the repair is slow. You need a good multi-vitamin and natural supplements, avoid stress on that part, maintain mental peace, have good nutrition, and strict control of blood sugar if you are diabetic. We recommend combining it with Prolotherapy and ozone. This PRP-Prolozone gives you the maximum healing capacity, works faster, and is less painful.​ ​ HOW IS THE PRP EXPERIENCE? ​ A sample of your blood is drawn. The amount of the sample depends on where the PRP will be injected. Generally, it would be 10-20ml, equal to only 2-4 teaspoons. This amount of blood loss is insignificant, as 350ml is given during blood donation. The blood is taken into test tubes and placed into a centrifuge. This is a machine that spins around very quickly, causing the blood components to separate. The Red Blood Cells (RBC) and the White Blood Cells (WBC) collect at the bottom of the tubes while platelets and plasma form the upper layers. The separation process takes about 15 minutes. The Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) is taken out with a syringe very carefully and activated for injection into the affected area. The injection is given with a 26G needle to minimize pain. It is much thinner than the one used to draw blood for blood reports, so fine that no blood can be seen in most cases. Ultrasound Guidance is always used to pinpoint the tissue and its depth. The needle tip is seen constantly to avoid damaging any nerves or other normal delicate tissues. Be worry-free about safety at IPSC, we will take care of that. The procedure takes around half an hour as a whole after which you are allowed to leave. PRP is natural, effective, well recognized yet without any side effects. We encourage you to go through reliable, respected websites to judge for yourself.
